Thursday, December 11, 2008

the "daycare" kid

i've realized my worst fear as a working mom. my son, my little landon, has been the typically daycare know the ones. they always have something wrong and you can spot them from anywhere due to the ever flowing runny nose. after almost 3 weeks of no daycare, landon went back on tuesday. later in the afternoon, i got that dreaded call that landon had a fever and i needed to come get him. this is not the first time. whenever the phones ring and see their name pop up, i cringe and pray....i know something is wrong, and at the same time, i hope it isn't something serious, or worse, life threatening. so i went and got him, took him right to the doctor. after a short, hardly thorough exam, she determined he had an ear infection. i informed he was already being treated for an ear infection, and she said sometimes it goes and comes....huh? so we filled his prescription and we were sent on our way. spiking temperatures, rotavirus, and cough that he hasn't been able to kick since he was born pretty much...daycare kid. how do i know that my son isn't some fragile germ magnet? because when my mother in law was here for the summer, landon was here with her and he was really doing a lot better. as soon as he went back, he was a mess again. to make matters worse, he is starting to show the signs of a daycare kid in his battle wounds. he's been bitten a couple times, causing bruises and marks. bumps on the head needing cold compresses and then there is that runny nose....dead giveaway.
he's seen specialists at the top hospitals, had a hospital stay even, and he never gets better. i love him and along with being happy and well adjusted, i want him to to be healthy. not a day goes by when i don't hear that labored, low croup. most of the time, he acts liek it doesn't even bother him. he coughs and then smiles and walks away. i don't want it to be something he just lives with. i don't want him to accept the fact that he's a daycare kid...i want him to be able to run around the park without wheezing and coughing after ten minutes.

daycare kid.....i never thought he'd be one of them.

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